As of today, 50 objects have already been dismantled in the district, out of 75 discovered.
Today, a meeting of the regional working group on decommunization was held in Lviv OVA. They talked about how this process takes place in the Lviv district.
Thus, a total of 75 objects subject to decommunization were counted on the territory of Lviv district. As of today, 50 have already been dismantled, 17 of them – partially, because slabs or ceilings with tables still remain in places. Thus, the Lviv district has now been cleared of the Soviet monumental heritage by 66%.
“As I have repeatedly emphasized, decommunization is our ideological front, which we must defend, it is something that was not done during the previous years of independence. We have until the end of this year to complete decommunization in Lviv Oblast,” Andriy Godyk, the first deputy head of Lviv Oblast, noted.
4 communities of the district were completely decommunized, namely – Pustomytivska, Zhovtanetska, Pidberiztsivska and Novoyarychivska communities.
“Sometimes a situation arises when we say that the community has been completely cleansed, and later we find out that some other object has been found somewhere, so this is a very dynamic process and we call for reporting on objects that are still not included in the list of monumental propaganda of the enemy”, – Yuriy Horun, director of the Department of Communications and Internal Policy of the Lviv OVA, explained.
The worst indicator is currently in the Rava-Ruska community. There are already 9 objects, none of which have been dismantled to date.
Anton Petrivskyi, one of the members of the working group, a serviceman who today defends Ukraine at the front, recalled that in August 1944, UPA soldiers fought against the occupation authorities near Rava-Ruska, despite this – this community has the most monuments that are subject to decommunization.
“It is important for the Lviv district to speed up in this matter. Our children should understand who fought for independence and who was part of the occupation army,” he said.
Within the framework of the meeting, they discussed each such object with the heads of communities and outlined clear deadlines.
The process of decommunization in Lviv Oblast has been actively ongoing since the end of last year. Since January 2023, more than 190 objects of communist propaganda of the enemy have already been dismantled here. Less than a hundred remains to be dismantled.
It should be noted that on July 27, the Law of Ukraine “On Condemnation and Prohibition of Propaganda of Russian Imperial Policy in Ukraine and Decolonization of Toponyms” entered into force. It allows the heads of regional military administrations to issue orders for the dismantling of objects of Soviet propaganda and the renaming of streets on the territory of certain communities, in case of their inaction.
We will also remind you that the first meeting of the working group on decommunization was held at the end of last year. Then they decided to create appropriate working groups under the district military administrations.
Their task is to collect information about the presence of Soviet-era monuments and tables in the area (dedicated to soldiers of the Soviet army, symbols of collectivization, Soviet cosmonauts and activists, events that glorify the USSR or the Russian Empire, etc.), with mandatory photo fixation, as well as Soviet toponyms that are subject to decommunization, in accordance with current legislation or the needs of the time.