Museum workers and preservationists jointly discussed new challenges and possibilities of scanning monuments.
Yesterday, December 21, the seminar “Digitization of heritage in Ukraine” was held in the museum of the Historical and Cultural Reserve “Ancient Zvenigorod”.
Within the scope of the event, experts discussed the issues of current challenges and opportunities provided by digital technologies in the preservation of heritage, the peculiarities of heritage digitization before and after the start of a full-scale invasion.
“If we talk about the field of architecture, then laser scanning allows you to collect high-precision data, record the current state of the object and work with its model. Further, this information can be used by architects and restorers for the production of scientific and project documentation. It is also a high-quality tool for accounting and inventorying cultural heritage objects. Therefore, the digitization of monuments is now one of the most important initiatives in the field of protection and preservation of architectural cultural heritage,” emphasized Olena Vasylko, director of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning.
At the same time, during the seminar, the issues of providing equipment and preserving the received data, their protection, the formation of digitization programs by museum institutions, the possibilities of photogrammetry and its application in practical museology were discussed.
The event was attended by: representative of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Nataliya Voytseshchuk (online), co-founder of the company “Skeiron”, which digitizes monuments, Andriy Hryvniak, scientists, museum workers, preservationists, as well as the director of the regional department of architecture and urban development Olena Vasylko.
We will remind, in cooperation with the regional department of architecture and with the financial assistance of international donors, in 2022 the company “Skeiron” digitized about 50 objects of cultural heritage in the Lviv region. First of all, UNESCO sights and unique wooden churches were scanned. This year, the number of scanned objects in the region reaches more than 110.
Organizers of the seminar: NGO “Center for Research and Preservation of Cultural Heritage” and Historical and Cultural Reserve “Ancient Zvenigorod”. The event took place within the framework of the “Digital tools for local heritage” project with funding from the Stabilization Fund for Culture and Education 2023 of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany and the Institute named after Goethe.