In the historical part of Lviv, in building No. 23 on the street Vyshensky, the wooden gate was restored. The work, which was carried out within the framework of the city’s Co-financing Program for the Restoration of Valuable Elements in Historic Buildings, lasted about 3 months. This is already the 10th gate that was restored in the city this year.
“We straightened the deformed structure of the door, made inserts in places where the wooden canvas was damaged, recreated the lost elements and replaced the glazing. A very beautiful wrought-iron grate has been preserved here, we cleaned it of old paint and painted it,” said the representative of the contracting organization that carried out the work, Yaroslav Paschak.
The peculiarity of this street is that many of the front doors of the houses have mailboxes. In this gate, the cover over the opening itself has been lost. Therefore, specialists installed a new brass overlay with a mailbox.
“This is another successful example of preserving elements of the city’s cultural heritage together with the residents. The total cost of the restoration works was about UAH 70,000. Of this amount, the city paid UAH 48,813, and the rest – the residents,” said Pavlo Bogajchyk, director of the LKP “Heritage Bureau.
By the way, in 2022, 29 gates were restored in the historical part of the city, in cooperation with the residents. According to the Co-financing Program for Restoration of Valuable Elements in Historic Buildings, when restoring gates, 70% of the cost of the work is financed from the city budget, and 30% is paid by residents.
You can find out how to become a participant of the Program on the website of the Heritage Bureau in the Lvivians/Co-financing tab.