On December 2-3, the VI international festival-competition “Talents of Ukraine” took place in Sokal.
The exemplary choreographic team of the folk dance “RAINBOW” of the “Narodniy Dim, Sokal” CU (leader Nadiya Ganitkevich) took part and received high awards.
Senior group (11-13 years old) – laureate of the 1st prize:
Ukrainian folk dance
“Pleskach” and “Volyn Polka” (folk choreography).
Preparatory group (mixed age category) – laureate -1 prize:
Choreographic composition “Ukraine” (folk stylization).
Younger group (6-9 years old) – laureate of the 1st prize;
Dance debut:
“Nesplyuhi” (children’s choreography).
I congratulate all our children on the victory! Talent and daily work always bring high results. I am happy with the achievements of our rainbow children. You are the best! – stressed Nadiya Ganitkevich. – Thanks to all the parents for their great support and understanding. Sincere thanks to the organizers of the festival-competition Volodymyr Pihotskyi and the respected jury for the professional evaluation. Thank you to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!