Кримінальні події

Head of village council in Zolochchytsia district brought to administrative responsibility for rewarding himself

The Zolochiv District Prosecutor’s Office ensured participation in the court’s consideration of protocols on bringing the head of one of the district’s village councils to administrative responsibility. According to the court decision, the official was found guilty of violating the requirements for preventing and resolving conflicts of interest (parts 1, 2 of Article 172-7 of the Code of Administrative Offences).

Prosecutors proved that in 2022-2024, the head of a village council in Zolochiv district failed to inform the NACP of a real conflict of interest. The man made decisions under conditions of conflict – he signed orders on bonuses for employees, including himself.

The amount of accrued bonuses was more than UAH 250 thousand.

Thus, the court found the man guilty of a number of the above administrative offences and imposed a fine in the amount of two hundred tax-free minimum incomes.

Information Policy Department of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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