Кримінальні події

A customs officer was detained in Lviv Oblast for receiving an 8.8 thousand USD bribe for the unhindered transportation of precious metals across the border

Under the procedural guidance of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office, an employee of one of the customs posts of the Lviv Customs Service of the State Customs Service was detained and informed of the suspicion of receiving an illegal benefit by an official (Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, in August 2022, the chief state inspector of the customs clearance department promised residents of Lviv, for a monetary reward, the unimpeded transportation of precious metals with a total weight of almost 2.5 kg across the state border of Ukraine without documentary confirmation of their origin and outside customs control. The suspect valued his services at $8,800.

Prosecutors of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office together with investigators and operatives detained the employee in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine during the receipt of the last part of the tranche. Currently, he has been remanded in custody and suspended from his post. The involvement of other persons in the commission of the crime is established.

The investigation was carried out by the prosecutor’s office together with the investigators and operatives of the Territorial Administration of the State Criminal Investigation Department, located in Lviv, with the assistance of employees of the Internal Security Department of Lviv Customs.

Note: in accordance with Art. 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered innocent of committing a crime and cannot be subjected to criminal punishment until his guilt is proven in a legal manner and established by a court verdict.

Department of Information Policy

Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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