Кримінальні події

Illegal sale of 2 hectares of nature reserve fund land prevented in Sambir district

Prosecutor’s Office prevents illegal sale of 2 hectares of nature reserve land

Prosecutors of the Specialised Environmental Prosecutor’s Office (as a department) of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office defended the right to use the land plot by a municipal forestry enterprise in the Commercial Court of Appeal.

The land plot in question was transferred from forestry to the Royal Beskydy National Nature Park by a Presidential Decree. The total area of the land is 2 hectares.

It has been established that this land plot is within the territory of the National Nature Park. Accordingly, it belongs to the lands of the nature reserve fund. Whereas the plaintiff (one of the village councils of the Sambir district) pointed out that the disputed land plot was legally received from the StateGeoCadastre and was designated as agricultural land for hayfields.

Taking into account all the circumstances, the court dismissed the plaintiff’s appeal and upheld the decision of the first instance court.

Information Policy Department

of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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