Кримінальні події

A shooting occurred during a carjacking in Sheptytske

Today, on 2 October, at around 14.00, the police received a report from a resident of Sheptytskyi about the illegal seizure of a Dacia Logan belonging to his relative.

The applicant also reported that the stolen vehicle was moving out of the city and that he and his friend were chasing it. 

An investigative team is working at the scene.

According to law enforcement, a resident of the city reported that his grandfather’s car had been stolen. He then turned for help to the military, whom he met on the street, and asked them to catch up with the car.

While driving, the soldier shot twice at the car with a traumatic pistol, after which the driver stopped.

The police say that the car’s owner was driving in a state of intoxication. Law enforcement officers also seized the soldier’s pistol and sent it for examination.

Law enforcement officers seized the weapon from which the shots were fired and sent it for expert examination.

A pre-trial investigation is underway in the framework of criminal proceedings initiated under Part 1 Article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives). The article provides for imprisonment for a term of three to seven years.

The police drew up a report of administrative offence against the driver of the Dicia Logan under Article 130 (Driving vehicles by persons in a state of intoxication) of the Code of Administrative Offences of Ukraine.

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