Prosecutors of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office defended in the Supreme Court the right of state ownership of forest fund lands worth UAH 12.4 million
Prosecutors proved in court that part of the forest plot, which is located near Lviv, with an area of 0.5 hectares, was allocated to private property contrary to the requirements of the law.
It was established that the Bryukhovets Township Council issued an illegal decision by which the specified plot was transferred to private ownership. Subsequently, the specified plot was resold several times, including to the defendant in this case.
After that, she divided and, on the basis of a gift agreement, presented the disputed plots as joint partial ownership to two of her relatives.
However, the latter could not be removed from state ownership, as it belonged to the lands of the forest fund.
Representing the interests of the state, the prosecutor’s office first appealed to the court of first instance, and later to the Lviv Court of Appeal, and insisted on the restoration of state property rights.
However, the claim of the head of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office was refused.
Taking into account the violation of the requirements of the legislation, the regional prosecutor’s office appealed to the Supreme Court.
The court supported the position of the prosecutor, the decisions of the courts of first instance and the appeals instance were annulled, and the claim was satisfied in full.
The prosecutor’s office emphasizes that the legality of the use of particularly valuable lands is a priority interest of the state, which the prosecutor’s office works to protect.
Department of Information Policy
Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office