Кримінальні події

Near the Lviv region after an accident with a driver’s car

Near the Lviv region after an accident after drowning in the water of “Toyota” – the policemen install furnishing under the

Road traffic became good on 15 birch, close to 19.20, near the village of Sosnivka, Lviv region.

The law enforcement officer, the driver of the Toyota Avensis, a 58-year-old Lvivian, was put in front of him, not running into the guards and z’їhav at the ditch.

Vіd otrimanih vnaslіdok traffic accident injuries vodiy having died on the floor. The passenger of the bus, a 35-year-old resident of the Vinniki township, having taken the time to make deliveries to the hospital.

Due to the fact of investigation of mischief in the field of transport, the police of Lviv region imposed a criminal offense under part 2 of article 286 (Violation of the rules for the safety of road traffic) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Law enforcement officers install furnishing the floor.

Conducted communications of the police of Lviv region

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