A 35-year-old resident of Stryi district, while staying in the apartment of a Sambir resident, stabbed him in the neck and stomach – the man died on the spot from the injuries he received. The detainee faces up to fifteen years in prison for the crime.
On November 14, around 7:00 p.m., the police received a report that a dead man was found in one of the apartments on Sagaidachnogo Street in the city of Sambir.
The investigative team and other employees of the Sambir district police department immediately arrived at the specified address. At the scene, they found the body of the 36-year-old owner of the apartment with traces of violent death.
As the law enforcement officers established, a 35-year-old resident of one of the villages of the Stryi district, who was staying with him, was involved in the man’s murder. A conflict arose between them, during which the attacker stabbed the man several times with a knife in the neck and abdomen. He died of his injuries at the scene.
The police arrested the perpetrator in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.
Investigators of the territorial division of the police informed the detainee of the suspicion of committing a criminal offense provided for in part 1 of Article 115 (Intentional murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for punishment – deprivation of liberty for a term of seven to fifteen years.
The pre-trial investigation is ongoing. Soon, the court will choose a preventive measure for the suspect.
Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police