Кримінальні події

Vodіy, which sounds at the poor bramy of the Lichakivsky tsvintar, having begun to recount his accountability before the accident

Yesterday, at the Lychakivsky District Court, two certificates were examined about the attraction to administrative water, which was at night on September 15, in the curfew, at one of the head gates of the Lichakiv Tsvintar.

The water is charged with the transport security at the camp of alcoholic sp’yanіnnya and the violation of the rules of the road traffic, which caused the mishap of the lane.

About tse povіdomili at LMR.

The court, having heard a person, yak attract to the administrative capacity, that evidence – patrol policemen and a ceramic worker of the LKP “Museum “Lychakivsky Tsvintar”.

At the meeting, he explained that he was right-handed, as if he were criminating, he didn’t charge guilt and didn’t change the car’s kerm. Having also determined that this car should not belong to you, but to someone you know. However, for the information of the policemen, they themselves asked for a call for a tow truck and left on the road until the car was evacuated.

Also, at the meeting, the witness was identified as the person who caused the accident. Before the materials, please also refer to the additional recordings from the cameras of the video warning from the month under, on which fixings the water-destroyer.

“From the recordings of the video surveillance cameras, it is clear that the car was driving in at the gate. It can also be seen how the road accident was blamed on the third car, walking in circles, crossing the road, turning back and further down the street Shimzeriv. It was recorded that the police officers arrived and jogged them. You can see on the video that it’s clear,” Oleksandr Dmitriv, director of the LKP “Museum “Lychakivsky Tsvintar” rozpoviv.

The second certificate, the intercessor of the commander of the patrol police department in the Lviv region, police captain Oleksandr Savitsky, also knows that the person responsible for the accident and the police officer is one person. The policeman announced that he had changed at the station of alcoholic sleep, tried to leave the place and said “home”.

“Let’s go to the place of the accident, I’ve slapped a man who is on the other side of the street. I zupiniv yogo, asking me to stay on the mist. There is a strong smell of alcohol. With the help of hundreds of hundredths of confidence, I can say that I have confirmed the advice. First reaction: “let me drink”, “let’s go home”, “turn off the video recorder”. Everything is fixed on the chest video recorder. Tobto, the person wanted to leave the place under the ground. I had a suggestion to know what the fault is, it is possible, reckoned before the accident, before the car was transported. I asked Yogo to get rid of the mist.

It is important what happened during the curfew. There were no people in order, as if they were similar to vіdpovіdach. At the Mіstsі podії buv vіdpovidach”, – rozpov Oleksandr Savytskyi.

Following the words of the patrol officers, they passed the test for the presence of alcohol in the blood: the result was 1.6 ppm. This indicator exceeds the allowable norm by 8 times. Already at the “water office”, on the street. Kulparkіvskiy, 95, in the presence of a narcologist, I went through a second inspection.

The upcoming court hearings on our right will be through the day, 22nd of Birch.

“The city of Lvov is glad that LKP “Museum “Lychakivsky Tsvintar” is not an uninterrupted participant in the court process at this stage. However, mipilno stezhimo for tsimi right. The stench is resonant. Adzhe go about the poshkodzhene communal mine, like another reminder of architecture, ”the legal department of the LMR said.

Guessing, at night for a week, on September 15, on the 27th, the water flew in at one of the head gates of the Lichakivsky tsvintar – from the side of vul. Shimzeriv. Later on, the structure was covered with cracks. To carry out repair and restoration work, 2/3 of the sconces will have to be dismantled to the ground, cracked blocks – replaced with new ones, and then all the elements will be rebuilt. Vіdpovіdno to koshtorisu, the front vіst vіdnovlennya brahmi – 710 yew. UAH

Dodamo, gate from the side vul. Shimzeriv bula was built in 1901 in neo-Gothic style from piskivka. There is a medallion depicting the images of the Mother of God, authorship of Emil Shredl, on the wall of the placements. Restoration of this wall was carried out in 2015 by a rotation.

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