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Drunk Driver Knocked Down Posts on Shevchenko Street

Drunk Driver Caused an Accident on Shevchenko Street

Yesterday, around 10 PM, a notification was received on line 102 from passersby about an accident on Shevchenko Street. According to them, the driver was likely in a state of intoxication.

Incident Details

Upon arriving at the scene, patrol officers established that a 42-year-old driver, operating a Volkswagen Jetta, lost control and hit metal posts.

The suspicion of the passersby was confirmed. While communicating with the driver, the officers detected signs of alcohol intoxication. The Dräger device showed — 1.23 ‰.

Consequences for the Driver

  • The patrol officers compiled two protocols against the perpetrator: under Article 124 (Violation of traffic rules leading to an accident) and Part 1 Article 130 (Driving under the influence) of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

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