In total, 117 communities take the fate of Ukraine.
The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine recruited 20 communal social workers from the Lviv region to participate in the pilot project for approbation of the new Sovereign standard for the service of social support of families / families, as if they sank into a foldable life.
Organizational catering for the piloting of the chief employees of the most important social services was discussed at the working session.
So, the mortgage may have at least 2 fahivtsiv from social work/social practitioners, yakі may have good work with family and children. Also, the delivery of social services is subject to inclusions before the distribution of the “Delivery of social services” to the Register of delivery of social services.
“Nyavnі vpadki, if you give social services inclusions to the Register, there is no prote vidpovіdnoї іnformatsiї at vyshchevkazіnі razdіlі no. Otherwise, the nadavach does not give the service of social support to families / families, as if they are resting at the folding living quarters, ”the department of social defense of the population of the Lviv OVA is appointed.
An hour was given for the implementation of the most important information and the introduction of the necessary changes to the Registry for the delivery of social services.
Based on the results of the piloting of the Ministry of Social Policy, we will adopt a decision on the implementation of a new Sovereign standard for social services to the social support of families / families, as they leaned in foldable living conditions.