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Modern training and practical centre for light industry opened in Lviv

This is the 48th NPC to be opened on the basis of vocational schools in the Lviv region.

Today, 15 May, a light industry training centre was opened at the Lviv Professional College of Modelling and Restaurant Business. The modern educational space was created in synergy with the Lviv Regional Military Administration, Lviv Regional Council, Lviv City Council, and the Education and Production Cluster NGO with the support of the USAID Competitive Economy of Ukraine Program under the USAID Business Support Grants to Business Support Organisations project.

The project is being implemented by the Education and Production Cluster NGO with the support of the USAID Competitive Economy of Ukraine Program. The project aims to provide support to small and medium-sized businesses in upskilling and retraining employees and training new ones.

“Almost UAH 10 million was invested in the new NPC. These are funds from the donor, city and regional budgets.

The money was used to renovate, purchase modern equipment and furniture, and set up a whole range of workshops on an area of almost 350 square metres: a cutting room, a sewing room, a knitting room, a computer-aided design room, a garment modelling room, and a separate warehouse. In other words, we have a full cycle of clothing production, just like a real enterprise.

This is already the 48th NPC in our region. We are proud that Lviv region is a leader in Ukraine in developing a network of vocational education and training centres. Such centres are an opportunity for young people and adults to acquire the skills and knowledge that employers need.

I am glad that our vocational education can be so cool. We are working to ensure that similar vocational training centres train employees for all areas of vocational education in our region,” said Maksym Kozytskyi, head of the Lviv Regional Administration.

Short-term courses are planned for people who lost their jobs as a result of the full-scale invasion; people who would like to move to light industry or adapt their skills to new market conditions (including IDPs). Short-term courses last 4 weeks.

The short-term courses will last for 8 months (from 1 June 2024 to 31 January 2025). It is planned that 240 people will be retrained here during this time.

“The modern equipment we have at the Centre helps to bridge the gap between business and education. It is very important that now children will not feel uncomfortable when they leave the school. Today, institutions can provide businesses with high-quality personnel, and this is good news,” said Natalia Overko, director of the Lviv Professional College of Modelling and Restaurant Business.

The total cost of the project is UAH 9.8 million, including:

– UAH 4.6 million for the purchase of equipment and furniture and the cost of training for project participants at the expense of the donor;

– UAH 2.7 million – purchase of equipment and furniture at the expense of the city budget;

– UAH 2.5 million to finance the renovation of the premises at the expense of the regional budget.

For reference:

The USAID Competitive Economy Program supports Ukrainian businesses to improve their competitiveness in Ukraine’s domestic and international markets, helps to develop a simplified and transparent business climate, and provides Ukrainian companies with opportunities to take advantage of international trade.

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