Business entities are prohibited from starting a planned activity without assessing the impact on the environment and obtaining a decision on the implementation of this activity.
The Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment” defined a comprehensive list of types of planned activities and objects that are subject to environmental impact assessment.
It should be noted that business entities are prohibited from conducting economic activities, operating facilities and other interventions in the natural environment and landscapes: extracting minerals, using man-made mineral deposits, if they do not comply with ecological conditions.
An environmental impact assessment is carried out before making a decision on the implementation of the planned activity.
The impact on the environment is not subject to assessment of the planned activity, which is aimed exclusively at ensuring the defense of the state, eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, the consequences of an anti-terrorist operation on the territory of the anti-terrorist operation for the period of its implementation, in accordance with the criteria approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.