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The situation with electricity in all institutions of Lviv is different

Головний освітянин Львова розповів про ситуацію зі світлом і теплом у навчальних закладах міста

The head of the education department of the Lviv City Council, Andriy Zakaliuk, spoke about the situation with power and heating cuts in schools and kindergartens of the Lviv City Territorial Community.

“When there is a power outage in educational institutions, it is simply impossible to provide light to the entire school, cafeteria, computers and devices. This requires extremely powerful generators.

Another issue is heating. Most schools are connected to the city’s heating network. Accordingly, when the light is turned off for a large amount of time, the boiler rooms also have no energy and heat is not supplied. Educational institutions are not completely independent, so they cannot connect a generator and provide themselves with heat. Heating is supplied from boiler houses, from CHP.

The situation with electricity in all institutions is different. We ask everyone to be understanding about this, to dress children more warmly when there is such a need, because after all, our priority is the quality education of children.

I emphasize that every educational institution in the city has a generator (a large part of them was provided to us by benefactors). They are intended for force majeure circumstances: light in shelters, recovery of the Internet so that children can contact their parents. Also, our educational institutions are in the second line of points of unbreakability, so in such cases, generators will be used for the needs of residents (charging phones, heating food, etc.),” said Andriy Zakaliuk.

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