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A new model of functioning of educational institutions will be developed in Lviv

The Executive Committee of the Lviv City Council supported the development of a new model of the functioning of educational institutions. The result of the development of the new model should be that every graduate of the educational institution is a healthy, happy and intelligent person.

“We are working to develop a new model of functioning of the educational institution. In August, we held a large conference together with the heads of our educational institutions, where we worked out important areas that are currently not taken into account in the educational process. This decision of the executive committee aims to oblige us to develop a new model of school functioning. Our main task should be the development of the child, his physical, intellectual, creative, social, moral and spiritual abilities.

The next step will be communication with specialists from various fields, with whom we will work out detailed things about this new model. All these specific steps will become the basis that we will implement in our educational institutions,” said Andriy Zakaliuk, head of the Lviv Education Department.

The new model of functioning of the educational institution will be based on the following principles:

· the learning process is connected with knowledge, creativity, experiments and applied application of the information received;

· building relationships between all participants of the educational process;

· each educational institution is unique;

organization of conditions in the educational institution for the child’s development in accordance with the stages of development, taking into account age, gender, mental, physical and physiological characteristics;

· and more.

These principles were worked out together with the freelance adviser to the mayor of Lviv, Mykhailo Veselskyi.

“Today, everyone involved in education knows that there are certain problems in education that affect the child. Therefore, this decision will help to develop the correct school model, taking into account all important details. Teachers, children, parents, and everyone willing will be invited to practice. A huge amount of work awaits everyone, because the task is not simple, but it is the basis that our children need,” said Mykhailo Veselskyi.

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