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The Zhovkiv region of education gathered teachers and educators from the Lviv region for a joint event

125 освітян Львівщини взяли участь у форумі «Навчи мене радости»

The name of the autumn forum is symbolic – “Teach me joy”.

The organizers – the education department of the Zhovkiv City Council and the Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education explain – the topic is more relevant than ever in turbulent wartime. And this forum is nothing more than a platform for every teacher, mentor who participated in it, designed to help realize how to be resourceful and where to draw the joy that he should share with the child.

To feel love, to hear about it, to learn the art of being happy for someone and to show sincere joy even at small successes. And in general – to love, respect, give – these are the things that should become basic in the educational process in order to educate the young Ukrainian elite.

The speakers of the event helped the mentors in this.

In particular, journalist, public figure, member of the Lviv Regional Council Paraska Dvoryanin talked about the ability to rejoice in other people’s successes, about war, education and chances for tomorrow. Svitlana Nezabytovska told where to look for words that heal and how your environment affects your internal resource.

A specialist from the Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education shared how to give success and why it is an art. From the speech of Iryna Sukhoverska, the participants learned how to master their own emotions. And why is it normal to make mistakes, Marta Bilska told.

Famous TV presenter Marichka Padalko shared stories from her own experience with those present.

“The experience of holding similar events shows how necessary and relevant they are. The number of participants is also constantly increasing. This time 125 teaching staff participated in the forum. And this is also gratifying, because it is these people who hold our educational front,” the organizers shared their impressions.

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