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Youth spaces of Lviv invite you to free events: schedule of activities

This week, the network of youth spaces CREATE! invites you to a training on pre-medical care, a lecture on Universal Monsters and an intensive on marketing. Both local residents and internally displaced youth are invited to participate in these and other events.

Schedule of events:

MoloDvizhTsentr.Lviv (31 Skoryka St., former Tchaikovsky St.)

Monday, October 24:

1:00 p.m. – Autumn camp for children learning English (from Monday to Friday). Register: https://bit.ly/3z8GSXQ

Tuesday, October 25:

16:00 – training “With teenagers about EVERYTHING” (admission is free);

4:00 p.m. – presentation of the debate club of Lviv from the Faculty of History of LNU (free admission);

18:00 – public speaking training, registration: https://forms.gle/owLnqu2W1AkewEss9;

18:00 – Ukrainian language courses, registration: https://bit.ly/3SyQjI2.

Wednesday, October 26:

18:00 – TriYoga class, registration: https://forms.gle/5y54gePpUwGWDoZU8.

Thursday, October 27:

16:00 – Improv, Care, Love English language and communication skills development training (free entry);

18:00 – debate club “Argument Game”, registration: https://forms.gle/NvS7hm526GLPjZ7d9 ;

18:00 – Ukrainian language courses, registration: https://bit.ly/3SyQjI2.

Friday, October 28:

10:00 a.m. – first aid training, registration: https://bit.ly/3smq5wL;

18:00 – Ukrainian language courses, registration: https://bit.ly/3SyQjI2.

Saturday, October 29:

16:00 – English Speaking Club for adults, registration: https://bit.ly/3gfiX2z;

18:00 – Lecture on the rise and fall of Universal Monsters, registration: https://forms.gle/SCAESSFG3vP43yKB7 .

Lviv Open Lab (58 Chervonoi Kalyny Ave.)

Tuesday, October 25:

18:00 – the event “Night in Lviv. Experiments in the Dark”, registration: https://forms.gle/w28MhQUBEA5VVR6N6 .

During the week, there is also an opportunity to sign up for free master classes from the creative carpentry workshop “Sverlyk”. Register: https://bit.ly/3TvtLZ8.

Pixlab (285 Horodotska St.)

Friday, October 28:

18:30 – Lecture “User Interview: before – during – after”, registration: https://wearecommunity.io/events/offgridandpix5.

Saturday, October 29:

12:00 PM – Marketing Intensive, registration: https://forms.gle/SpwWDDqGwKFp6cQH6.

Permanent courses from our residents – “What if Creative School” will also be held in this space. In addition, this week there will be classes in singing, fashion and art history, videography and needlework. Register: https://bit.ly/3sQjImf.

As a reminder, the network of youth spaces CREATE! founded in 2020 by the active youth of the city and the development department of the Lviv City Council, already has three youth centers in its structure.

For additional questions: Head of PR CREATE! Yulia Martyniuk – yulia.martyniuk@tvory.net, 0971708588.

Lviv City Council: https://city-adm.lviv.ua/news/society/youth-policy/293747-molodizhni-prostori-lvova-zaproshuyut-na-bezkoshtovni-podiji-rozklad-aktivnostej

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