Favorable weather conditions in February allow the utility to carry out a number of routine repairs on the streets of Drohobych. According to Andriy Pautynka, head of the Municipal Economy Department, preparatory work, namely asphalt milling, began on February 7 on Sahaidachnoho Street.
Thus, the current repair will cover the road segment from the intersections of the streets: Chornovola-22 Sichnia-Sahaidachnoho to the intersections of Sambirska-Sahaidachnoho streets.
If the air temperature is above freezing in the coming weeks, the city’s road repairers intend to carry out the current repair work on P. Orlyka and L. Ukrainka streets, in addition to Sahaidachna Street. As for P. Orlyka Street, the current repairs will cover the section of the road from the Velykyi Velykyi intersection to the L. Ukrayinky-P. Orlyka intersection.
L. Ukrainka street is planned to be completely covered by the current repairs.
Part of the road repairs are also planned for Stebnyk. The works will start next week and will cover Hrushevskoho, V. Velykyi, Melnyk, Heroiv Nebesnoyi Sotni and Sheptytskoho streets.
The Department of Municipal Economy claims that the road surface of the community’s streets has deteriorated significantly due to this year’s unstable winter: sometimes above zero temperatures, sometimes frost. Therefore, they intend to restore and improve the quality of a dozen hromada roads with current repairs.