Road repairs are underway in Drohobych and Stebnyk.
Thus, according to the management of the Department of Municipal Economy, current patching repairs are currently underway on Lesia Ukrainka Street in Drohobych and Sheptytskoho Street in Stebnyk.
This year’s favorable weather and the early arrival of spring allow the Drohobych community to carry out routine repairs of the road surface that failed after the winter for the third week in a row.
In the near future, the road repairers are planning to carry out routine road repairs on the following streets: in Drohobych – Sambirska, part of Stryiska and Truskavetska. In Stebnyk, Melnyk and Hrushevskoho streets.
In addition, patching works are also being carried out in the settlements of the territorial community.
The Department of Municipal Economy states that they intend to restore and improve a dozen community roads that have exhausted their resources after the winter and numerous temperature fluctuations.