
The Superhumans Center clinic in the Lviv region is opening a queue of patients in the department of reconstructive surgery

Ukrainian soldiers and civilians who suffered as a result of military operations and need reconstructive operations will be able to undergo them at the Superhumans Center.

The All-Ukrainian clinic in the Lviv region, where free prostheses and rehabilitation of our defenders and civilians, opens a new department – reconstructive surgery. Already now, patients with mine-explosive, gunshot or other injuries of the face and neck, with damage to the bones of the maxillofacial area, defects of the soft tissues of the face, oral cavity, eye socket, deformities of the nose, external ear can stand in line to receive the necessary help .

In July, those who fill out the questionnaire will receive consultations from the center’s specialists and French surgeons. The first operations are planned to be performed in October.

Sign up for a consultation: http://superhumans.com/patients/

Maksym Kozytskyi – head of the Lviv Regional State Administration (OVA)

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