Residents of Drohobych and Stebnyk are warned about a temporary gas disconnection on March 24, 2025. Due to emergency repair work on the medium pressure gas pipeline, gas supply will be suspended from 8:00 to approximately 16:00.
- In Drohobych, the following streets will be without gas: Truskavetska (Hirka), Holmska, Truskavetskyi Lane, Kyrylo-Mefodiivska, Hrebinky, Martovycha, Ripnytskoho, Ludkevicha, Doroshenka, Brativ Kytcyliv, Bozhenka, Rustaveli, Zubrytskoho, Rudanskoho, Telihy, and Leontovycha.
- In the areas of Sportyvna Street and adjacent streets, a drop in gas pressure is expected.
- In Stebnyk (Solec district), supply will be stopped on Streets: Soletska, Petliury, and Mykolaychuka.
The gas supply will be restored without prior notice. Residents are urged not to leave gas appliances unattended. Drohobych City Council