LKP “Zaliznychneteploenergo” restores hot water supply after hydraulic tests. So, today, by the end of the day, hot water supply will be restored to 267 houses.
LKP “Zaliznychneteploenergo” supplies hot water to 370 houses. So, last Friday, May 19, hot water supply was restored to 57 houses on the street: Vyhovsky, 1-35 (odd), 72; Horodotska, 241-249 (odd); Golovatogo, 1-7; Krychevsky, 65; Karadzhicha, 13; Lubinska, 102, 104, 150, 152; Myslivska, 15, 27, 29, Patona, 2/2, 2/3, 2/4, 2/5, 2/6, 2/7, 12, 9-35 (odd); Ryashivska, 13, 15.
And by the end of today, another 267 houses served by this enterprise will receive hot water.
“Instead, there are 46 houses on the streets: Bashtanna, 1, 3; Golovatogo, 4, 4A; Hirnika, 1; Karadzhicha, 14, 14a, 16, 29a, b, c; Lubinska, 94, 96, 98, 156, 160, 162, 164; Poltava, 34; Patona, 2, 4, 4/1, 4/2, 4A, 6, 6A; Ryashivska, 7, 9, 27; Signivka, 3-11 (odd), Yavornytskogo, 1a-11 (odd) ), will receive hot water a little later, in connection with the reconstruction of the street. Yavornytskyi and replacement of heating networks and repair work at the parking lot near the “Arsen” shopping center. We are preliminarily planning that the houses on the street Bashtannaya will receive hot water on Thursday, May 25, and all other houses will receive it until the end of the month,” Zaliznychneteploenergo LKP reported.