Today in Lviv, at the Memorial to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, everyone who gave their lives for Ukraine was honored with a joint prayer and the “Angels of Memory” action. Military chaplains prayed with all the participants.
First, a ceremony of raising the National Flag of Ukraine and playing the National Anthem took place, traditional for Lviv. Afterwards, military chaplains performed a memorial service for all those who gave their lives in the fight for Ukraine.
“I remember how a year ago, on the eve of a full-scale invasion, foreigners debated whether Ukraine would be able to. I am very sad that they did not understand this call of the Ukrainians: without weapons, ammunition, our Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred went forward and gave their lives – just as thousands of Heroes are giving their lives today, thousands of our Lviv residents are on the front lines today, all of Ukraine today on the front lines.
This is our land, which no one has the right to take away from us. It so happened that today we are on the front lines of a great struggle against the non-humans of this world. But God is with us, our heaven and our earth, and our great faith in our victory. Today I want to thank all of you who came here today to pray and mentally remember each of our Heroes,” said Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy.
Therefore, schoolchildren decorated the Memorial with paper figures in the shape of angels, which were made the day before in schools, and all those willing lit lamps and laid flowers, honoring the memory of the fallen Heroes.
“We are all united by modern Heroes. They paid for our freedom very dearly – with their lives. Therefore, it is very nice that there are young people here today, because this is the generation that went, as it were, after our Heroes to understand how high the price of our freedom is,” said Bishop Volodymyr (Grutsa), assistant bishop of the Lviv Archdiocese of the UGCC .
It should be noted that the event was organized by the Department of Internal Policy of the LMR and the Museum of Dignity. Afterwards, the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred was commemorated on the field of honorable burials No. 67 of the Lychakiv cemetery.