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Teacher Training in Lviv: How to Act in Emergency Situations

Rescuers in Lviv Conducted Safety Training for Teachers

An important training lecture was held for the teaching staff at the \”Step by Step\” primary school. The event was conducted by a representative of the Lviv City Department of the State Emergency Service, who explained the basic safety rules and procedures to follow in emergency situations.

What was discussed?

  • Fire safety at home – how to prevent fires and what rules to follow at home.
  • Actions during the \”Attention! Air Raid Alert!\” signal – evacuation algorithm and procedures at the educational institution.
  • Fire safety rules in school – how to reduce the risk of fire outbreaks and what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Using a fire extinguisher – how to properly extinguish a fire source before the rescuers arrive.

After the theoretical part, everyone interested had the opportunity to practice using a fire extinguisher.

Rescuers emphasize: safety starts with each of us! Let’s adhere to the rules, educate children, and be prepared to act correctly.

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