Lviv communal enterprise “Green City” and LLP “DHANA” signed a protocol of intent to supply hard plastic, which will be produced by the waste processing plant in Lviv after launch.
As Taras Kaluzhny, director of LKP “Green City”, explained, after the plant’s launch, garbage will be processed and plastic will be formed. It is material for other companies. “DHANA” company will buy hard plastic from the plant and use it for its needs.
“Now we have concluded a memorandum of intent, which shows our bilateral interest. A few months ago, we concluded a similar agreement with the Franko cement plant for the purchase of another type of fuel.
We have the opportunity to sort the waste that is taken to the landfill and buried, to select material that will no longer be garbage, but will become a product, and it can be used for other needs. In particular, a liquid is formed from hard plastic using various technologies, which is a substitute for fuel.
For us, such an agreement is useful, first of all, because these are funds that will go to the city budget. For a utility company that will operate a waste processing complex, it is important to have reliable partners who will not bury the material in landfills or landfills, but will reuse it. This will make it possible to reduce the volumes and costs of disposal and generally improve the state of ecology and the environment,” explained Taras Kaluzhny.
LLC “Dhana” has an industrial plant “UTD-1”, which allows processing more than 240 tons of solid plastic waste every month by the method of thermal destruction, obtaining fuel and other useful products.