Since the beginning of the war, many Lviv residents do not live in their homes or have gone abroad. Therefore, so that there are no charges for water, LMKP “Lvivvodokanal” recommends calling the company’s controllers and sealing the water supply meters.
“We receive questions from our consumers, what to do so that they are not charged for water supply if they do not live in the house or go abroad.
First of all, it is important to understand whether the consumer has an apartment meter or not. Note that 95% of our consumers have meters.
So, if there is a meter, it is enough for the apartment dweller to write a statement to the service center of Lvivvodokanal to have the meter sealed for cold water for a certain period of time – six months, a year, three years… Pay UAH 723.60 at the cash register and attach the payment receipt to the statement . Then the controller will come and seal it.
Here, it is important that there is a serviceable measuring armature – a faucet that shuts off cold water in front of the meter.
If the apartment does not have a metering device, then the resident can install a meter with a sealing eye on his own, and then follow a similar procedure.
Therefore, after sealing, the resident will not receive charges for consumed water. Only UAH 50.78 will be charged as a subscription fee for the maintenance of water pipes that are connected,” Lvivvodokanal LMKP explains.
Details – by phone 0 800 401 551 (free for all operators), (032) 259-15-50, (032) 259-15-51 or at Lvivvodokanal service centers (64 Zelena St.; Khutorivka St., 24).