Anti-parking columns, improvement of the territory near the children’s hospital: what additional works will be performed within the framework of the reconstruction of the street. P. Orlyk
Corrected reconstruction project of St. P. Orlyka passed a comprehensive state examination. Therefore, last week, the contracting organization resumed work as part of the reconstruction of the street. P. Orlyk, which are performed on the order of LKP “Lvivavtodor”.
Currently, the contractor is continuing to equip a walkway with steps and a “serpentine” path for people with reduced mobility, which lead to the children’s hospital on the street. P. Orlyka, 4. Also, a parking lot designed for more than 60 cars should be arranged near the hospital.
Previously, instead of a walkway with steps, which managed to be almost completely equipped at the end of last year, there was a path, the surface of which needed updating for a long time. Now there is a good sidewalk, it remains to complete its adjacency to the territory of the hospital building, as well as to install handrails. As for the “serpentine” path with tactile tiles, active construction work is ongoing here, this path will also have handrails, benches for rest will be installed along it in 10 locations, as well as trash cans.
About half a hundred trees are planned to be planted on the slope where the above-mentioned walkways to the medical facility are laid. Currently, works on shaping the landscape of this slope are ongoing.
At its foot, a parking lot was built last year – the structural layers of the road surface have been laid, and the asphalt remains to be laid. The path that will provide barrier-free access to the hospital for people with disabilities starts from this parking lot. It is also necessary to install 33 lighting poles near the children’s hospital within the limits of these works.
It should be noted that when adjusting the reconstruction project of St. P. Orlyk, numerous requests of concerned residents were taken into account, namely, the arrangement of the limiting columns.
“We really sincerely hoped for the decency and responsibility of the drivers, but, unfortunately, a miracle did not happen and the culture of caring for the common property of the community is completely absent in some drivers. The wheels of garages completely “scarred” the freshly sown lawns of the reconstructed street. P. Orlyk. To solve the problem of vandalized parking, we took into account the wishes of the citizens and included in the project “Reconstruction of St. P. Orlyk. Adjustment” installation of anti-parking columns in the amount of 353 pcs. We will inform you additionally when the subcontractor will begin their arrangement!”, LKP “Lvivavtodor” explains.