How to correctly combine the use of electricity for household and business needs, photo-fixation of meters and other innovations in the accounting of electric energy were told by representatives of “Lvivoblenergo” – deputy director for commercial accounting Yuriy Koshla and head of the calculation department Andriy Volynchuk told on September 27 during a live press conference.
Entrepreneurial activity of household consumers
In accordance with the requirements of the resolution of the NCRECP, the objects of household consumers, in which entrepreneurial activity is carried out, must be transferred to the legal tariff. Starting from July 2023, Lvivoblenergo employees will conduct inspections of such electrical installations and notify consumers of the need to renegotiate the contract.
“The consumer needs to contact the Lvivoblenergo Customer Service Center with a statement and renegotiate the distribution agreement as a legal consumer. During the conclusion of the contract, we do not provide any accounting requirements, we transfer consumers with the same capacity and accounting. Later, if, for example, there is an overrun of capacity, together with the owners we will put these issues in order,” said Yuriy Koshla, deputy director of commercial accounting at Lvivoblenergo PJSC.
In the event that a business activity is carried out in a house or apartment and the owners live at the same time, it is possible to divide the power and install a separate metering device for residence, and transfer the common meter to a legal tariff.
Photofixation of lining devices
Starting from 2021, “Lvivoblenergo” began to gradually implement the project of photo-fixation of indicators. The company’s controllers are equipped with gadgets and during scheduled inspections take pictures of the metering devices with the indicator, number, and seal. Then the files are uploaded to the program and this allows you to avoid complaints or misunderstandings with consumers.
Starting from September of this year, the same gadgets have been provided to the accounting equipment operation groups, which will carry out photo-fixation when the meters are replaced.
Are consumers being turned off for debt or other reasons?
According to the resolutions of the NCRECP, during the martial law, household consumers of electricity are not turned off for debts. “But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay. After all, it is these funds that support the work of the entire energy system of Ukraine,” Yuriy Koshla emphasized.
However, disconnection is possible for other valid reasons, after a corresponding warning to the consumer:
🟠 arrears for electricity consumption in garages or garage cooperatives, because in accordance with the resolution of the NCREKP, from 2023, such objects will be calculated according to the industrial tariff;
🟠 debt for unaccounted electricity, i.e. when the fact of theft is recorded;
🟠 when entrepreneurial activity is carried out by a household consumer and after the act and warning, the consumer has not re-negotiated the contract as a legal one;
🟠 non-admission of “Lvivoblenergo” employees to the metering devices for control reading of the indicator or replacement of the meter.
How to check whether Lvivoblenergo employees have come to the meter?
Control inspections of electric meters are carried out once every three months, and for consumers in which ASKOE is installed – once every six months. At the same time, photofixation of accounting devices is carried out.
It is the duty of the consumer to allow Lvivoblenergo employees to the meter. In the case of systematic denial of power supply to the metering devices, the power supply may be interrupted.
Employees of “Lvivoblenergo” must carry official ID cards with them and present them to the consumer at the first request.
If you doubt that the employees of PrJSC “Lvivoblenergo” have come to you, call the call center of PrJSC “Lvivoblenergo”: 0-800-30-15-68, 067-333-15-68, 050-460- 15-68, 093-170-15-68, (032) 290-75-68.
To check, tell the operator the employee’s last name and the number of his official ID card or roll number.