Last week, information spread actively on social networks that the “Nadia” mines in Sosnivka and the mine in Novovolynsk are ready to attract people who are serving sentences to work in the mines and have addressed a separate letter to the colony’s management. Yesterday, May 1, there was an open meeting between Sosniv residents and the management of the Nadiya mine. Residents were outraged by the possibility of convicts being employed in mines.
During Tuesday’s meeting, the head of Sosnivka, Iryna Kharchuk, noted that “there were many questions, and after the meeting there were even more.” Therefore, the residents of Sosniv want to attend the meeting of the city council session, which will be held on May 4, and delegate the mayor to address the deputies.
Chervonograd City Mayor Andriy Zalivskyi also commented on the situation with the Nadiya mine. “We have already agreed on our actions with the mayor of Novolynsk, Boris Karpus, and I have sent the relevant letters. Within a week, I am waiting for an appeal from the mine’s trade union. At the session, we will also consider this issue, so if there is an appeal, please send it in advance so that it can be properly issued and it will be an appeal from the deputies’ corps.”