From June 5 to June 30, testing of cashless fare payment will continue on three bus routes of public transport – No. 1A, 3A and No. 10. Passengers can pay the fare in cash from the driver, as well as with a contactless bank card or other devices with NFC support. During this period, Lvivavtodor LLP control works on the lines.
“About 30 employees of the control department work on bus routes No. 1A, 3A and No. 10 every day. At this stage, they do not fine passengers, but only carry out educational activities – they help to validate preferential LeoKart transport cards, buy a ticket from the driver or make a cashless payment for the fare”, – noted in LKP “Lvivavtodor”
How is the pass validation checked:
1) After entering the vehicle, Lvivavtodor LKP controllers use a special terminal to block the on-board ASOP system, which makes it impossible to pay the fare in cash to the driver or to validate the fare by non-cash means through validators during the blocking period.
2) When the ASOP system is blocked in the vehicle, inspectors check the toll payment using special terminals:
Passengers who paid for travel with a contactless bank card, smartphone or smart watch need to attach the card or NFC device to the controller terminal. It is important that in order to check the validation, it is necessary to attach the exact payment method that was used when paying for the fare.
Passengers who paid cash from the driver must be given a one-time paper ticket to be checked by the controller. A QR code is printed on the paper ticket, which contains information about the day and time of ticket purchase. This paper ticket is a one-time ticket, without the possibility of a subsequent transfer.
Passengers who have validated travel with a personalized LeoKart transport card, as a beneficiary with a 100% discount on travel in public transport, need to attach the LeoKart card to the controller’s terminal. After that, the control worker will receive information on the terminal screen whether the passage is validated.
3) After checking the fare payment of the passengers, the controllers of the “Lvivavtodor” LKP unlock the ASOP system in the vehicle.
Video on how the validation (payment) of the fare is checked – at the link:
“During the first week of testing cashless fare payment on three bus routes, Lvivavtodor LKP control officers found more than a thousand passengers who wanted to use discounted fares in public transport, but had no legal grounds for doing so. So far, such passengers are not fined, but after the implementation of cashless fare payment in all public transport, they risk receiving a fine,” Lvivavtodor LKP added.
It should be noted that the list of privileged categories of the population who are registered and/or live, and/or work, and/or study in educational institutions on the territory of the Lviv City Territorial Community and can receive a LeoKart preferential transport card is determined by Decision No. 1009 of 11/19/2021 “On Approval procedure for issuing and issuing a personalized “LeoKart” transport card.
As a reminder, more detailed information on testing cashless payment of fares in Lviv public transport is available on the LeoCard website: https://leocard.lviv.ua/testing/