Sokalvodokanal informed about the intention to change the tariffs for services of centralized water supply, centralized water drainage and sewage treatment at MKP “Sokalvodokanal” for all categories of consumers
Guided by the order of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Economy of Ukraine dated June 5, 2018. No. 130 “On the approval of the Procedure for informing consumers about the intention to change prices/tariffs for communal services with the justification of such necessity” and in connection with the change in the price of electricity, the increase in the prices of purchased materials and services, as well as bringing wages into compliance with current legislation , MKP “Sokalvodokanal” intends to change tariffs for services of centralized water supply, centralized water drainage and sewage treatment.
Currently, the current tariffs for centralized water supply, centralized water drainage and sewage treatment will not allow the enterprise to pay for the consumed electricity on time and at the same time provide the city with high-quality and full centralized water supply and drainage services. Since the cost of electricity in the current tariff was UAH 3.8037. for 1 kWh without VAT, and as of January 1, 2023, it increased by 62.2% to UAH 6.1115. for 1 kWh without VAT Labor costs increased by 18.2% compared to the current tariff due to an increase in the living wage for able-bodied persons and an increase in the minimum wage. The cost of PMM increased by 94.4% compared to the current tariff. Other material costs are calculated at current prices and in accordance with concluded contracts.
The level of reimbursement by approved tariffs of the actual cost of services for 2022 for the enterprise is 87.9% for water supply and 89.4% for water drainage.
As of May 1, 2023, MKP “Sokalvodokanal” ranks 29th in the Lviv region in terms of tariff rates among 31 water utilities.
The current tariffs, which are actually applied at the enterprise, are established by the decision of the executive committee of the Sokal City Council dated December 17, 2021 No. 364 “On the adjustment of tariffs for the services of centralized water supply, centralized water drainage and sewage treatment for MKP “Sokalvodokanal” at the level:
– for centralized water supply 13.20 hryvnias. / cubic meter with VAT;
– for centralized drainage 24.55 hryvnias / cubic meter including VAT;
– for sewage treatment, UAH 14.06/cubic meter including VAT.
The current tariffs do not allow MKP “Sokalvodokanal” to settle with the budget in time for tax payments and to pay for the consumed electricity, and at the same time to provide the city with high-quality and full services of centralized water supply and drainage.
Therefore, the company intends to increase tariffs:
– for centralized water supply for UAH 8.5878. / cubic meter with VAT (+65.1%)
– for centralized drainage for UAH 9.6089 / cubic meter including VAT (+39.2%)
– for sewage treatment at UAH 6.0714/cubic m including VAT (+43.2%).
– together by 18.1967 hryvnias/cubic m including VAT (+48.2%).
General plan tariffs and their structure are:
Water supply Water drainage Consumers who use sewage treatment Total
Водопостачання | Водовідведення | Споживачі, які користуються очисткою стоків | Разом | ||||
Грн. за 1м³
Рентабельність | Грн. за 1м³
Рентабельність | Грн. за 1м³
Рентабельність | Грн. за 1м³
Повна собівартість
В т.ч: |
21,7878 | 0% | 14,0275 | 0% | 20,1314 | 0% | 55,9467 |
– прямі матеріальні витрати | 6,3132 | 3,2145 | 5,1507 | 14,6787 | |||
– прямі витрати на ОП | 4,7519 | 3,3701 | 4,6229 | 12,7449 | |||
– інші прямі витрати | 2,4066 | 1,1876 | 1,4407 | 5,0349 | |||
-заг.виробн. витрати | 2,9744 | 2,5825 | 3,6651 | 9,2220 | |||
– адміністративні витрати | 0,6298 | 0,5436 | 0,7681 | 1,9415 | |||
– інші витрати | 1,0806 | 0,7913 | 1,1287 | 3,0006 | |||
– ПДВ 20% | 3,6313 | 2,3379 | 3,3552 | 9,3244 |
All the necessary additional information on the tariffs for centralized water supply, water drainage and sewage treatment services, justification of the reasons is available at the information stand in the administrative premises of MKP “Sokalvodokanal” on ul. Heroiv UPA, 23.