TOV “Lvivgaz zbut” sells the overpay to the beneficiaries of the money that was pardoned for the blakitne pain after the change of the postal worker.
About tse Golos Sokalshchina was told by the press service of the enterprise.
On the cob of the cob, the gas supply company looked at and satisfied already 69% of the payments, which were paid in return for overpayments. Over 20,000 clients have already taken pennies for their money.
“The process of turning is three. The company turned back 36 million hryvnias. Utіm, according to our statistics, after reviewing the documents, the third application can be submitted for additional processing through the supply of necessary copies of documents or receipts. So, there are fluctuations, if you are quick to write an application for the return of excess money, to the one who “writes everything”, but in fact you cannot overpay for these special rahunks. Ale hour for opratsyuvannya tsikh stating all the same stained, – rozpovіl at Lvivgaz Zbut TOV.
The procedure for returning coins is described in detail on the official website of the company. Also, with the transfer of documents, which are added to the application, you can find out from the Lviv department. Here, for the day, the reception of a large number of clients is carried out. Managers accept applications and give consultations to supervisors.
At one time, Lvivgaz Zbuti is telling you that the customers will be slaughtered, as if on May 1, 2022, the fate of the fencing for the savings of gas is due, and the company is responsible for the latest expenses. At the time of the nevikonannya goiter, pay the borg, the post-chief of the gas will be impulsively brought before the court.