With the help of forged documents in which unreliable information was entered, the accused tried to illegally leave Ukraine. For what they have committed, they face punishment – restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years.
As established by the employees of the inquiry department of the Police Department No. 2 of the Lviv District Police Department No. 1, under the procedural guidance of the Zhovkiv District Prosecutor’s Office, a 26-year-old man from Kyiv and a resident of Kharkiv aged 50, with the aim of being released from mobilization for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and obtaining the right to leaving the territory of Ukraine, handed over their personal data and, with the help of accomplices, received forged documents in which unreliable information was entered, exempting them from the obligation to mobilize for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
They subsequently presented these forged documents to the inspectors of the border service during an attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine with the Republic of Poland at the Rava-Ruska-Grebenne checkpoint. However, in both cases, the border guards discovered that the documents contained signs of forgery and informed the police about it.
Pre-trial investigations in criminal proceedings opened under part 5 of article 27 part 1 of article 358 (Assistance in the forgery of documents) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and under part 4 of article 358 (Use of a knowingly forged document) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, completed, indictment Acts are referred to the court. The maximum punishment facing the accused is imprisonment for a term of up to two years.
During the period of martial law, employees of the investigation units of the police of Lviv Oblast opened 1,272 criminal proceedings on the facts of forgery and use of forged documents by men conscripted for the purpose of evading mobilization and crossing the state border of Ukraine (criminal offenses provided for in part 1, part 4 of article 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). 825 persons were notified of the suspicion of committing the specified crimes, in 454 criminal proceedings, pre-trial investigations were completed, indictments were referred to the court.
Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police