Кримінальні події

Drunk Driver Caused an Accident and Fled the Scene

Police Quickly Located the Driver Who Fled the Accident Scene

This night shift, we received a call about an accident on Lysenitska Street. At the scene, the police found out that the driver of a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter hit a parked BMW vehicle.

The Driver Tried to Hide

After the incident, the culprit left the accident scene and hid nearby in a dead end, where he was found by the police. While speaking with the 30-year-old driver, inspectors noticed signs of alcohol intoxication. He refused to take a test.

Three Protocols Drawn Up

  • Art. 124 (Traffic violation leading to an accident)
  • Art. 122-4 (Leaving the accident scene)
  • Part 1 of Art. 130 (Driving under the influence) of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (CUoAO)

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