Кримінальні події

Woman and two men kidnap friend and extort money in Lviv district

In Lviv region, police detained three criminals who illegally imprisoned their acquaintance and extorted money from him

Three residents of Lviv district face up to five years in prison for their crimes.

According to law enforcement, on the morning of 11 October, in a village in Lviv district, four acquaintances – three men, two of them aged 29 and one 19, and a 23-year-old woman – were drinking alcohol. While drinking, three of the men accused their fourth drinking companion, a 29-year-old man, of stealing money and demanded that he return the stolen goods.

At the same time, the attackers forcibly held the man in the house and did not allow him to leave the premises. As the defendant denied his guilt, they beat him, filming the proceedings on a mobile phone, and sent the video to his mother, demanding the allegedly stolen money from her. Seeing that her son was in danger, the woman turned to the police for help.

Criminal police operatives, investigators and officers of other services of the Police Department No. 1 of the Lviv District Police Department No. 1, as well as operatives of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Lviv Police, were involved in solving the crime.

The police established the place where the offenders were holding the victim and detained them in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Investigators of the territorial police unit, under the procedural supervision of the Zhovkva District Prosecutor’s Office, opened a criminal proceeding under Part 2 of Article 146 (Illegal imprisonment or abduction of a person) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum penalty under this article is up to five years in prison.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing, the issue of serving the detainees a notice of suspicion of committing a crime and choosing a measure of restraint is being decided.

Lviv regional police communication department

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