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Brutal Beating in Lviv Region: Accused to Face Trial

Conflict During Alcohol Consumption Led to Death

It was established that a sudden conflict arose between the men during the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The accused faces a punishment of up to ten years in prison for the crime committed.

Details of the Incident

As established by the police, on December 15, two acquaintances, a 41-year-old resident of the Ivano-Frankivsk region and a 53-year-old resident of the Lviv district, were visiting one of the villages in the Lviv district. During the consumption of alcoholic beverages, a conflict arose between them, during which the younger man brutally beat the elder, inflicting numerous punches to the head, resulting in severe bodily injuries from which he died.

The perpetrator fled the scene. Through conducted measures and studying footage from the surveillance cameras of the ‘Safe Lviv Region’ system, law enforcement identified his identity and whereabouts.

Investigation and Trial

The pre-trial investigation, opened under Part 2 of Article 121 (Intentional Grievous Bodily Harm) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, has been completed. The indictment has been sent for court review. The article’s sanction provides for imprisonment for a term of seven to ten years.

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