One of the possibilities of mastering a new profession or improving the qualifications of employees is to receive a voucher, in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 20.03.2013 No. 207 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing vouchers to maintain the competitiveness of individuals in the labor market”. For employers, this is a chance to have the necessary qualified staff.
Flexible forms of training will allow employees to learn without breaking away from production! Basic requirements for candidates to receive a voucher and further study: age: older than 45 years (before reaching the statutory retirement age); insurance experience: more than 15 years; availability of professional and technical or higher education; persons released from military service; internally displaced persons. The value of the voucher is set within the cost of education, but cannot exceed ten times the subsistence minimum (as of January 1, 2023, this amount is UAH 26,840).
Training is carried out by professional (vocational and technical) and higher education institutions, enterprises, institutions and organizations that have a license for educational activity, according to the list of professions and specialties approved by the Ministry of Economy, for which a voucher can be issued for training. Among the professions, in particular, psychology, social welfare, social work, medicine, medical psychology, secondary education (by subject specialty), physical therapy, occupational therapy and others (a complete list is in the file attached below)
For more detailed information, you can contact the Horodotsk branch of LF LOTSZ at tel. 03231 32358 (e-mail address horodokrf@ukr.net)
File: list of vouchers.docx