Young Vladyslav from Ternopil Region, who is only 8 years old, can once again enjoy life without pain after urologists successfully performed a complex surgical intervention for kidney hydronephrosis.
Hydronephrosis is a pathology characterized by the dilation of renal calyces and pelvis due to obstacles for normal urine flow. The developmental anomaly in Vladyslav’s left kidney was diagnosed back in 2019 via ultrasound examination. However, recently he experienced pain that led to the spontaneous rupture of the kidney. Fortunately, they sought help from our specialists in time, and the child was immediately hospitalized.
The surgery was performed using a laparoscopic method, which is a modern and minimally invasive treatment approach. The resection of the affected area and restoration of the patency of the urinary tract allowed for the complete recovery of kidney function. The importance and complexity of this intervention are highlighted by the fact that such surgeries are not performed in many European countries, while Ukrainian medical professionals did everything possible to preserve the organ.
After the successful intervention, Vladyslav has already returned home and is feeling excellent. The surgery provided him with a chance for a full, pain-free life. The team of doctors who cared for the young patient deserves special thanks for their professionalism and dedication.