Yesterday, 11 patients with symptoms of an intestinal infection were hospitalized from the modular town in Sikhiv to the infectious disease hospital. Now 5 of them are feeling better. Specialists have taken tests from the patients and are conducting laboratory tests to find out the cause of the illness. Food or other poisoning has not been confirmed at this time.
“Yesterday morning, we received information that residents of the modular town were hospitalized at the infectious disease hospital during the night from Saturday to Sunday. Our medical service immediately started working, we sent employees of the 4th city polyclinic to the modular town to find out the general state of health of all residents. During the day, a certain number of people sought medical help. As of this morning, the number of those who have fallen ill is 37, of which 21 are children, aged from 5 to 17 years. 11 people were hospitalized in the infectious disease hospital, including 9 children and 2 adults. Previously, there was information about 13 hospitalized people, but 2 of them do not live in the town, but are forcibly displaced persons,” commented Marta Matyushko, head of the health care department of the LMR.
Specialists also disinfected all premises in the town and took food samples, swabs from surfaces and bathrooms to find out the cause of the illness.
However, apart from the lunch provided by the Congregation of the Salesian Fathers in cooperation with the town, everyone eats independently from outside.
“Now the town is provided with hot food once a day – lunch. Residents of the town work, and many of them eat outside, so we do not have clear statistics that everyone dines. But we know about a resident who was at work and did not eat these products for lunch, but had these symptoms of the disease and was also given help.
Yesterday we had tomato soup, macaroni and cheese and sausages for lunch. Lunch was prepared from fresh products, that is, all storage dates are within the norm. All employees who work in the kitchen are certified and have medical books. They were all checked, samples were taken from kitchen surfaces and food products. So far, there has not been a single similar case, and it is not an indicator,” said Volodymyr Holovaty, coordinator of modular towns in Lviv.
In general, half of those who fell ill and stayed in the town feel much better.
It should be noted that about 700 residents live in the winter modular town in Sikhiv.