The first lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska is among the board members. This clinic will specialize in prosthetics and rehabilitation of patients, primarily people who suffered as a result of the military actions of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine.
A training center will operate at the clinic, where Ukrainian specialists will be trained by the best medical specialists from around the world. More than 100 of the best doctors from the USA and the EU will work.
– We value every life. We will fight for each person and for him to recover from any injury, to have all the opportunities for a full and happy life. – Olena Zelenska emphasized.
Within the scope of the project, the reconstruction of the medical facility will be carried out. It is planned to start accepting patients in January-February 2023.
Singer Sting and his wife, film director Trudie Styler, CEO and president of the Richard Branson Virgin Unite family foundation Jean Oelwang, actor Liev Schreiber, famous American inventor and innovator, founder of Not Impossible company Mick Ebeling, American craniofacial surgeon have already joined the creation of Superhumans Center Peter Constantino, candidate of medical sciences, cardiologist, chief physician of Edem Clinic Oleksii Bashkirtsev.
This is an important project to help our fellow citizens, which is planned to be expanded to other regions. Good way with a good deed!