To raise awareness of men’s health problems, the Movember campaign is held – during November, men grow mustaches.
Prostate cancer is asymptomatic for some time. However, this insidious disease has a weak point – it can be detected by taking a blood test for PSA (prostate-specific antigen). It is secreted by prostate cells both in normal conditions and in cases of cancer spread. It is the growth of PSA above the norm and the dynamics of its level increase during a short observation that is an indication for finding a tumor in the prostate. This requires a specialist urologist, often an MRI and further diagnostic procedures.
“Health is a precious asset that we don’t appreciate until it runs out. Many people do not take care of their health until they encounter certain problems. Sometimes a reminder of how important health is can help motivate people to adopt healthier behaviors. Prostate cancer is a killer, but if it is detected in the early stages, it can be cured,” said Orest Chemerys, director of the health care department of the Lviv OVA.
There are many simple things you can do to make your lifestyle healthier. These are, first of all, proper nutrition, healthy body weight, regular physical exercises, smoking cessation, and moderate alcohol consumption. It is also worth having an examination to monitor important indicators of your health.
“Every year in Lviv Oblast, about 450 men find a new entry in their medical card – “prostate cancer”. Lucky for those who were led to this record by a similar information campaign recommending a preventive examination – “Once a year after 50 years, take a PSA test.” Thanks to such monitoring, a tumor in the prostate is often detected at an early stage. Such a patient undergoes radical treatment and can expect extremely favorable results, that is, getting rid of such cancer. The Lviv Oncology Center, its laboratory and a team of urologists are ready to examine and consult all willing men over 50 years of age who may be daring to undergo such an examination for the first time. It often saves life and ensures a man’s health in the future,” said Deputy General Director of the Lviv Oncology Regional Treatment and Diagnostic Center Orest Tril.
It should be noted that the Movember event is held annually around the world, which involves growing a mustache during November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, in particular, prostate cancer.