In several localities of the Sheptytskyi district of the Lviv region, quarantine measures have been introduced according to the decision of the local authorities following the detection of an avian flu outbreak. According to Maxim Kozytskyi, head of Lviv region, the disease was discovered after dead swans were found in the floodplain of the Western Bug River between the localities of Volswyn, Bendyuga, and the city of Sheptytskyi.
After examining one of the birds, RNA containing the flu virus was detected. In response to this incident, the State Emergency Anti-Epizootic Commission at the Sheptytskyi District State Administration decided to impose quarantine on the riverside area of the Western Bug. This area, covering a radius of three kilometers, includes the villages of Bendyuga and Volswyn. The imposed restrictions are planned to be maintained for about three weeks.
Learn more about the situation from the official announcement posted on Facebook.