Today, Lviv will say goodbye to three Heroes who defended Ukraine – Bohdan Kril, Ivan Biskup, Roman Mysak

On Saturday, May 20, Lviv will say goodbye to three Heroes. Bohdan Kryl, Ivan Biskup, Roman Mysak died defending Ukraine from the Russian invaders. The City Hall calls on Lviv residents and guests to join the city’s farewell ceremony and to refrain from entertainment events and celebrations during this time.

The funeral service will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul, at 11:30 a city farewell ceremony will take place on Rynok Square. Heroes will be buried at the Lychakiv cemetery.

Route of the funeral procession: Garrison Church of St. App. Peter and Paul UGCC (Tetralna Street, 11) – sq. Cathedral – square Rynok (city farewell ceremony) – str. Ruska – st. Basement – st. Vinnychenko – square Soborna – st. Pekarska – st. Shimzeriv – st. Mechnikova – Lychakiv cemetery.

Biographical references of Heroes


Bohdan Kryl (“Pirate”) (May 17, 1992-May 8, 2022) from Lviv.

Studied at Lyceum No. 2 of the Lviv City Council. Received higher education at the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Lviv National University named after I. Franko. At the same time, he graduated from the military department at the National Academy of Ground Forces named after Hetman P. Sahaidachny.

Since childhood, he was involved in sports, was fond of studying history. While still at school, he wrote: “I do not agree with the thesis of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristophanes: “Where there is good, there is the Motherland.” I think it’s good where the Motherland is.”

During his student years, he was an active member of the patriotic movement of Lviv, started a parade of embroidered women. One of the leaders of the fan movement of the “Karpaty” football team, he was a medalist of the Ukrainian kudo championship.

In 2019, he joined the military service of the National Guard of Ukraine, performed combat missions as part of the Vega Zahid Separate Special Unit.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he fought with the invaders in the ranks of the “Azov” regiment, took part in the battles for the city of Mariupol. Died during the bombing of the Azovstal metallurgical plant.

By the decree of the President of Ukraine dated July 28, 2022, he was awarded the Order “For Courage” III degree (posthumously).

Bohdan Kril is survived by his parents.


Ivan Biskup (“John”) (January 15, 1990-May 14, 2023) from Lviv.

Studied at Secondary Secondary School No. 97 of the city of Lviv. In 2007, he graduated from the former Lviv Professional Lyceum of Computer Technologies, then entered Transcarpathian State University (today Uzhgorod National University), where he qualified as a system engineer, computer science teacher.

In peacetime, he worked in the field of printing, later held the position of manager at a local enterprise. During a certain period he worked in Poland and Israel.

He led an active lifestyle: he was fond of extreme sports, boxing and riding a motorcycle. Loved spending time with friends.

With the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he joined the ranks of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade “Kholodniy Yar” of the operational command “East” of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to defend the Motherland. Repulsed the invaders on the eastern side of the front.

Ivan Biskup is survived by his parents, brother and wife.


Roman Mysak (April 23, 1983-May 11, 2023) from Lviv.

He studied at the Lviv Academic Gymnasium at the Lviv Polytechnic National University. Later, he graduated from Lviv Polytechnic University, majoring in Computer Engineering.

After completing his studies, he worked in the field of computer technology and in the transport industry.

He was an incorrigible optimist, fond of snowboarding, cars and motorcycles.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he actively engaged in volunteer activities to meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and to support internally displaced persons. Subsequently, he became a member of the A4017 military unit for the defense of the Motherland, performed combat missions in the eastern direction.

Roman Mysak is survived by his parents, son and younger sister.

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