Tomorrow, on 31 January, Lviv residents and visitors are urged to pay tribute to soldier Oleh Siuta, who laid down his life defending Ukraine from the occupiers, and to join the city’s farewell ceremony.
The mayor’s office asks to refrain from holding entertainment events and celebrations during the farewell ceremony.
The farewell and funeral ceremony will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Garrison Church of Ss. Peter and Paul in Lviv, and at 11:30 a city farewell ceremony will take place on Rynok Square.
The soldier will be buried at Lychakiv Cemetery.
Biographical information of the soldiers

Oleh Siuta (Granit) (05.04.1989-01.07.2023) Born in the village of Rudne.
He studied at lyceum No. 74 named after Mariyka Pidhiryanka in Lviv. He graduated from the Lviv Technical School of Railway Transport (now the Lviv Professional College of Transport Infrastructure of Lviv Polytechnic National University) and then continued his studies at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport in Kharkiv.
After graduation, he worked at the railway, and during the last period he was a bricklayer. He loved working with his hands and was a good host. In his spare time, he went in for boxing and football. According to his family, Oleh Siuta was exceptionally determined, strong and courageous, always ready to help.
He was a senior soldier. From the first months of Russia’s full-scale invasion, he volunteered to defend his homeland in the ranks of the 125th separate territorial defence brigade of the “West” regional command of the Territorial Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He was repeatedly honoured by the military command for his conscientious service.
Oleh Siuta is survived by his mother, sister, grandmother and large family.