
“I’m close” – the Forum of School Psychologists was held in Zhovkva

The implementation of a new management model of the psychological service is underway in the region, which should be fully operational from September this year.

As part of this innovation, an educational Forum for employees of educational institutions of the Lviv region was held in Zhovkva under the name “I’m with you”.

More than 120 psychological service specialists from the entire region took part in the event, which was held on the eve of World Psychologist Day.

In his video address to the Forum, Oleg Paska, director of the Department of Education and Science, emphasized that Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine has shown many things that we, as a community, should change as soon as possible and as thoroughly as possible.

First of all, we should revise our attitude towards educational psychologists, whose role in the modern educational process is simply underestimated. “And it is necessary to start with elementary steps, with the creation of decent working conditions, improvement of the management structure, and ending with the development of modern methodological and educational materials,” Oleg Paska noted.

Vit also emphasized that the general goal of such actions is to make the profession of psychologist in schools prestigious, to improve the qualifications of school psychologists, and to return the psychological service of the education system to the status of one of the best.

The survey conducted among the participants of the Forum showed that 82% of those present consider the work of a school psychologist prestigious and only 18% – not prestigious.

Pavlo Khobzei, director of the Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, supported the general opinion that such forums should be held more often, because it is a unique opportunity to exchange new ideas, intellectual and even material resources, after all, face-to-face conversations with colleagues in the shop is a source of inspiration and motivation.

At the end of his speech, he awarded the best experts in the field with thanks from the Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center. The organizers of the forum were the Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Oblast, the Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education and the Department of Education of the Zhovkiv City Council.

It should be noted that in the Regional Education Development Program of the Lviv Region for 2021-2025, a separate section “Development of the Psychological Service of the Education System of the Lviv Region” should soon appear with adequate funding for 2024. The Department of Education also created the Coordinating Council of the Psychological Service of the Education System of the Lviv Region.


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