Maxillofacial surgeons of St. Panteleimon Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv operated on a woman with a rare pathology – Eagle syndrome, restoring her ability to eat, sleep and live without pain. This is already the second such operation in the hospital.
The patient is 78-year-old Maria Leschak from Lviv. She could have had a stroke at any moment, and every morning for the past five years had started with painkillers. The woman turned to a neurologist with severe pain syndrome in the head and neck area. He first referred the patient to computer tomography, and after that to specialists in maxillofacial surgery.
The examination revealed that the woman has Eagle syndrome, an anomaly in which the position, shape and size of the styloid process, which departs from the temporal bone of the head, changes. The reason for this: ossification of the stylohyoid ligament. Therefore, the patient suffered from constant pain, due to which she could not eat, sleep, and later – move.
Jumps in pressure provoked a pre-stroke state, and due to a long lack of sleep, the woman began to have mental disorders. The doctors decided to operate immediately.
The process is placed in an anatomically difficult place. There passes the carotid artery, many blood vessels and the facial nerve, which is responsible for facial expressions. Every movement of the surgeon is a danger. However, the specialists worked “perfectly”. Oleg of the Kovtunyak Department together with his colleagues removed an abnormal growth, 5 cm long, without damaging important structures in the operated area.
Two weeks have passed since the intervention. The woman no longer needs painkillers: she sleeps well again and finally smiles.