
Pregnancy monitoring is available free of charge in 58 healthcare facilities of Lviv Oblast: NHSU press release

Pregnancy management on an outpatient basis by an obstetrician-gynaecologist is included in a separate package of medical services under the Medical Guarantees Programme.

For the Outpatient Pregnancy Management package, 58 healthcare facilities in Lviv Oblast have signed contracts with the NHSU, which is the highest number among all oblasts. This means that pregnant women can seek help at any of these facilities and receive it free of charge: the state has already paid for pregnancy monitoring, necessary consultations, tests and research. And since the beginning of 2024, as of 1 May, 11,166 patients have already received the service in the Lviv region.

“Ukrainian women have the right to have their pregnancy monitored at any medical facility that has a contract with the National Health Service of Ukraine. This does not depend on the place of residence and registration, on the length of pregnancy or whether the woman has been previously registered. She can choose a convenient medical facility contracted with the NHSU under the Outpatient Pregnancy Management package and receive medical support and assistance there free of charge,” says Tetiana Kudyk, Director of the Western Interregional Department of the NHSU.

A woman can apply for the service on her own or upon referral from her family doctor or attending physician.

What services are covered by the Medical Guarantee Programme:

  • monitoring of the pregnant woman’s health, consultations, individual pregnancy management plan;
  • conducting the necessary laboratory and instrumental tests, including thyroid function tests, tests for infections and viruses, ultrasound, CTG, ECG, etc;
  • prenatal screening: Ultrasound, examination of the levels of biochemical markers;
  • assessment of pre-eclampsia risk factors and its prevention;
  • referral to a perinatal consultation with the participation of other specialists if signs of abnormalities or pathologies are detected in the fetus;
  • referral to the commission for determining the indications for artificial termination of pregnancy from 12 to 22 weeks for medical reasons;
  • providing emergency medical care;
  • information preparation for childbirth and parenthood;
  • referrals for preventive vaccinations;
  • psychological support, etc.

You can find the nearest facility contracted under the Outpatient Pregnancy Management package on the NHSU dashboard on the map of contracted service locations with details by service group – select the region and service group (“35 Outpatient Pregnancy Management”). Or call the NHSU Contact Centre at 16-77. The operator will guide you to the right medical facility.

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